Gear Bargains: Save on Jackets, Survival Gear, Tents, and More | GearJunkie

2022-09-10 02:59:12 By : Mr. xbm china

September 9, 2022 |  By Harley Schafer

Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.

Combine fun retro style with the warmth, comfort, and quality that Patagonia is known for, and you get this fleece jacket. It has a windproof barrier to keep you safe from the elements and a vertical zip pocket and two zippered hand pockets to keep your items secure.

Uncharted Supply Co. is having its annual “Preptember” sale (it’s Emergency Preparedness Month!), which means you can save 35% on high-quality survival gear like this 72-hour System. It includes food, first aid, tools, water bottle and filters, warmth solutions, and more to get you through 72 hours in a survival situation, all packed neatly into the included backpack.

This tent weighs just over 7 pounds, making it an option for camping trips with your crew. It has a double vestibule for gear storage and a full-coverage fly for extra protection from the elements. It has pole clips for simple setup and takedown.

Outdoor Research designed this hat with a sweat-wicking headband to keep you dry on hot days. It has a snap-up brim so you can control your shade, and it offers UPF 50-plus protection from sun rays.

Harley Schafer is the deals coordinator at Lola Digital Media. Spending time living in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Germany ignited a passion for travel and exploration that has led to a converted Ford van and the open road becoming home.

Whether hiking, traveling, or backpacking, having the best compass available will keep you on track. This review and buyer's guide will ensure you can always find true north.

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