July 29, 2022 | By Harley Schafer
Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
If you spend your summer days dreaming of the slopes, this jacket may be an option for you. The brand makes it with waterproof GORE-TEX for breathable protection. It has a helmet-compatible hood, adjustable cuffs, and a powder skirt to keep the elements out.
This hydration pack has a 3L reservoir included. The main compartment has room for your gear, and a zippered front pocket with several organizational pockets and pouches allows you to keep the day’s essentials within easy reach.
Stoic designed this tent to be light enough for backpacking, while still maintaining enough space for three. It weighs just over 6 pounds, making it an option for both backpacking and car camping. It has six interior stash pockets to help keep gear organized and out of the way. The mesh ceiling with PU-coated fly keeps you covered whether you’re escaping the rain or gazing at the stars.
Stanley is known for its drinkware, so if you’re looking to add to your collection, this tumbler is a solid option for both your morning coffee and your evening cocktail. Stainless steel double-walled construction is designed to keep drinks hot for 1.5 hours, cold for 5 hours, or iced for up to 20 hours.
Harley Schafer is the deals coordinator at Lola Digital Media. Spending time living in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Germany ignited a passion for travel and exploration that has led to a converted Ford van and the open road becoming home.
We found and tested the best camping chairs for every use and budget. Top picks include REI, ALPS, Coleman, and more.
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