February 18, 2022 | By Ilana Newman
Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Fleece pants are a game-changer for camping, plus they’re a great layer underneath ski pants. These have reinforced knees and butt patches and are made from a cozy Polartec 200 fleece.
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Hit the trail with these stretchy, moisture-wicking leggings from Eddie Bauer. The Trail Tights have UPF 50 sun protection to shield you on those hot and sunny days out. Of course, no trail legging is complete without pockets, and these include two drop-in zippered pockets and one at the waist.
These are my favorite cool-weather pants for climbing, hiking, ice climbing, or even ski touring. The waist sits just above a harness, and the pants have an adjustable belt. There are zippered thigh and hand pockets too.
Travel in comfort with this everyday electric bike — from the brand that also owns Cannondale and Schwinn. The design of this bike is an upright step-through. It has a wide seat for comfort, protective fenders, compact rear rack, 50-mile range, folding pedals, and fold-flat handlebars for storage in small spots.
Stretchy and waterproof, this lightweight jacket is made with 100% recycled fabric. The mesh interior helps protect the waterproof exterior, and it’s finished with a fixed hood, microfiber lining, and adjustable hem.
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Ilana is a writer, photographer, and life long learner. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, she spends her free time climbing, running, and skiing in the mountains. She is passionate about intersectional social justice work in the outdoors and creating access for all.
We tested the best running shorts for women in 2022, including top picks from Patagonia, Outdoor Voices, Smartwool, Nathan, and more.
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